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(somewhat dusty) figurines from inside my home...

90% complete... randomly ordered. plushes included as well. srry about all the dust (#basementliving) and my photography skills which leave much to be desired but i adore them all♡♡♡

myfigurecollection profile friend me if u want !

o! the cusor scared him :( スナァァァ
i guess i like nendoroids w an extra little guy, anyway she is so sweet, brings a sense of peace to my abode
if my wallet had a photo space it would just be pictures of him

Draluc & John Nendoroid

The Doll Nendoroid

Astro Boy Mafex no.145 (Ver.1.5)

[ this space has been left blank for when hammy's wifey comes home.... ]or something else who knows.......
love this one its just tiny but so detailed, two schemers....

Hamegg Sofubi

[ lamp sofubi if ur out there.... ]

Hamegg & Pinoko Mini Vignette Diorama

most prized guy, chills on my desk sometimes, he is like a sexy anime figure to me sorry :/
bought second hand but he is in wonderful condition, besides a partially sun bleached box. he has been in distress on his beam since day 1
came so carefully wrapped in the worlds smallest box. one of my most favourite possessions


Kaiji Itou Figma

Fujita Head Mascot Collection 2

got him before reading one piece bc he just looked so cool lmao
a gorgeous handcrafted specimen

One Piece Film: Red - Sanji DXF The Grandline Men Figure

Brown Trout by Craig Poorter

so majestic he has broken free of the table

i need to take a photo of him lolsuposedly he bangs on windows when upset but we’ve had no banging since he arrived so he must like it here :)
couple of guys bein dudes
i feed him wires like spaghetti =]

Micheal (haunted)

Sniff & Snufkin - Martinex

k1tty by plastiboo⤴

fish photo heresoft and i love his misaligned smile

Sensational Seafood Sardine - Jellycat

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